Welcome to All Over Wellness with Pia Civiletti where you will receive a comprehensive support system to create a happy heart and soul and a healthy body. Pia not only focuses on the symptoms of your dis-ease…but also on the root cause, moving you to a ‘ready living’ lifestyle with a combination of food, natural supplements, exercise, mind/body work, peak performance methodologies and emotional shifts that create harmony in your life.
Pia’s passion for health started when she was a little girl. Her Nana would teach her about how to be healthy using simple exercises and basic foods. Her Mother continued this education with tireless searching for natural remedies which was always the topic for conversation in her home.
In 2004, Pia found herself with some extra weight after having her first child and decided to start her first detox. 3 months and 30lbs less, the doctor’s office was calling Pia for advice. Soon after this, another situation called when Pia’s handicapped sister landed in the hospital for an entire year. As her sister’s advocate, Pia’s love for health and the need to keep her sister alive pushed her to consistently research how the body worked. She also became a Reiki Master to assist in her sister’s healing. In this, Pia saw the possibilities of how transformation can happen in even the worst of medical disasters.
Pia decided to take her love of helping people to be happy and healthy to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she became a Certified Holistic Health Coach in 2010. Pia also graduated from the Anthony Robbins Mastery University, and studied Matrix Energetics, and emotional intelligence techniques. Pia has many years of small, medium and large organizational experience with a Bachelors degree in Marketing from Penn State University as well as a degree in Layout and Production Art from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. She also holds numerous certifications in process methodologies as well as customer service best practices.
Pia believes that to have consistent All Over Wellness you must keep learning, growing and broaden your perspective of your life and the world.
In Love and Light.